1. Shaving with the wrong razor

Shaving with the wrong razor
When shaving it is advisable to use the right razor. Shaving razors are different for both male and female.
Using a man’s razor is an absolute no-no. there’s a difference between the male and female hair. That’s the reason why the razors are designed differently. The males’ razor is a bit thicker.
2. Not Using The Shaving Cream Or Gel

Shaving Cream Or Gel
Gels and shaving cream protects the skin against irritation. No matter what, avoid using soap in place of shaving cream or gel. Do not also shave dry.
Shaving cream works to keep your skin smooth and prevents the occurrence of razor cuts. In the absence of shaving cream or gel, coconut or olive oil can suffice.
3. Not Cleaning Before You Shave

Not Cleaning Before You Shave
Before every shave, clean your skin with either soap or body wash, this works to prep it up. Taking a nice warm bath helps to open up the hair cuticle making it easier for the razor to glide through.
4.You rush through your shaving process
According to research, we spend a whopping 72 days of our lives shaving our legs – and we kinda want a refund. Because we want to get the whole ordeal over and done with as soon as possible, most of us rush through the shaving process and try to get it done quickly. However, this is one of the worst things you could do to your legs. If you rush your shaving experience, you are more likely to cut yourself or irritate your skin. It’s best to take your time and shave in smooth strokes for the most effective shave. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
5.You’re shaving the wrong way
Hands up, who shaves up their legs? We’re gonna go ahead and assume that most of you put your hands up, because that’s the way that were taught, and that’s the way that all of the commercials teach us. However it seems as though our whole lives have been a lie – because we should really be shaving down our legs rather than up! This is because you are supposed to shave with the grain, rather than against it. If you shave up your legs it will give you a closer shave but will make your skin more irritated and raised. If you shave down you may have to shave more often, but your legs will stay in pristine condition.
6.You shave in the bathtub
Ahhh, you’re having a lovely relaxing bath when you put your hands on your legs and realize they are spikey as heck. So, you grab the razor that is sitting next to you and bring the blades towards you so you can have perfectly smooth legs while you’re in the tub. Now that’s some pretty cool multitasking, right? Sorry to break it to you, but shaving your legs in the bathtub is a complete no-no. Because of the heat and the steam in the water, a bath actually causes your skin to expand. This means that no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to get a clean shave. You will always have little hairs left behind!
7.You don’t exfoliate before shaving
Okay, now this is getting to be way too much effort. According to experts, we also need to exfoliate our skin before shaving to get the closest shave possible. This is because the exfoliation takes away dead skin cells which often form a barrier between the hairs and the razor. Without them in the picture, the razor can glide along your legs and make them silky smooth.
Did you know you were making all of these mistakes? Well, it seems as though we might have to be spending 82 days of our lives shaving our legs because this is getting all too much now…