6 signs that your man doesn’t love you enough

6 signs that your man doesn’t love you enough
6 signs that your man doesn’t love you enough

1. He always has to be right

Nobody is ever 100% right all of the time. As humans, we are all inherently flawed in one way or another.

2. He refuses to make up after a fight

Every couple fights. Even the most perfect couple you know has had their fair share of arguments.

3. He talks about other women all the time

This one is a major red flag to watch out for. If your man is always talking to you about other girls and how attractive he finds them, then he doesn’t love you enough to respect your boundaries.

4. He begins to say hurtful things to you and puts you down

Have you begun to notice that he is constantly putting you down or belittling you? He may even do this in front of family and friends.

5. He never compliments you on your appearance

Looks alone should never be the reason why a guy chooses to be with you. He should find both your looks and personality attractive.

6. He refuses ever to apologize even when he’s entirely in the wrong

Every person makes mistakes. It’s all part of the human experience. One of the most humbling learning experiences is knowing when it’s our turn to say sorry.


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