Biden Marks ‘Bloody Sunday’ By Signing Voting Rights Order

Joe Biden marks Bloody Sunday by provoking the US citizens. This day must be remembered and celebrated in the history of unity, brotherhood, and peace. However, the toxicity inside the Democrat campus won’t just let it go. They are going to use every single opportunity to spread negativity and controversion.

Biden decided to sing new voting rights order. Today’s AP report tells us what his intentions are.

“Every eligible voter should be able to vote and have it counted,” Biden said in his remarks to Sunday’s Martin and Coretta King Unity Breakfast before signing the order. “If you have the best ideas, you have nothing to hide. Let the people vote.”

Meanwhile, in his style, he couldn’t resist making some historical remarks. This is how Biden finds a parallel between the great activists from the past with the new reality. If we recall in the past, we should probably go back to the mid 19th century where DEMOCRATS divided and almost destroyed the country, not to even mention how they treated the black Americans.

Either way, his “engage” was interesting and expected. Then, he continued to express his frustration about the present and how his new bill is going to change it for the better.

“In 2020 — with our very democracy on the line — even in the midst of a pandemic – more Americans voted than ever before,” Biden said. “Yet instead of celebrating this powerful demonstration of voting — we saw an unprecedented insurrection on our Capitol and a brutal attack on our democracy on January 6th. A never-before-seen effort to ignore, undermine and undo the will of the people.”

This bill, however, is highly elitist and controversial for some experts. The voting rights bill includes provisions to restrict partisan gerrymandering of congressional districts, strike down hurdles to voting, and bring transparency to a murky campaign finance system that allows wealthy donors to anonymously bankroll political causes.

According to the Democrats, this bill will help neutralize voter suppression attempts. On the other side of the discussion about this bill are the Republicans. They think that this bill is unnecessary and unwanted meddling in each state’s authority to conduct their own elections.

Anyways, this bill is almost impossible to pass in the Senate. The House approved this bill with 220-210 votes. This proves that even in the corrupted nest in D.C. some things are too hard to swallow.

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