The process of cleaning the liver is very simple, and we do not see a doctor because it can be done in a completely natural way possible, using mint.
Amra H. tried it and convinced herself that it is really effective and decided to share the recipe with us, as she says that it eliminates headache and back pain caused by stress. The tea relaxes and heals from the most difficult toxins that we enter in the body every day, this tea eliminates the toxins through urine and stool. Also, Amra, lost 2 pounds in a month, and she was not on a diet.
Here is an excellent recipe
- handful of fresh mint
- lemon juice
- orange juice
- liter of purified water
- organic honey
How to prepare it?
Put water in the pot and leave it on the stove. Then, place the mint and let it boil for about 5 minutes. After that, let it cool. Next thing to do is to squeeze lemon and orange juice into that water. You can add honey to taste and you can try it.
You can drink it cold or hot, it is up to you. This will help in the process of cleansing the liver and it is beneficial for digestion. There should be no doubt about this! Try it and you’ll see the results.