Forget The Pain In Your Joints With This Oil

Many different diseases and conditions cause chronic pain. One of the most common is arthritis, a group of diseases that cause inflammation of the joints.
Pain doesn’t have to be a part of daily life. By taking action to reduce pain, you may find that even routine tasks that have become difficult – like bending down or opening a jar – become easier.
Rub This Oil on Your Joints and Wake Up Without Pain
Blue essential oil blend

There are many essential oils and blends that might help relieve the pain and inflammation of the joints.
This blend of wintergreen, camphor, peppermint, blue tansy, blue chamomile, helichrysum and osmanthus was specifically created to relive joint and muscle discomfort with oils that have been studied for their pain-relieving anti-inflammatory affect.

Essential oils should not be applied directly to the skin but should be mixed with your favorite carrier oil.
“I mixed 2-3 drops of Blue essential oil blend with a small amount of Fractionated Coconut Oil (a very fine liquid form of coconut oil ) and massaged it into my knee. I didn’t experience any immediate effects, so I went to sleep – and stayed asleep! My knee pain didn’t wake me up in the night and my stiffness was decreased by morning.
I used the blend just FIVE times and decreased my knee pain from 97% of the time, down to 3 %! From that point I’ve only had to use it about 2-3 times week on my knees and have also begun to use it if I have sciatic pain, lower back pain and neck pain with the same results. I also maintain the effect with occasional applications of muscle soothing Blue Rubbing cream.” (PureOils International)Note: Purity of oils and quality is important in using any essential oils or blends.
Precautions: This blend contains some potent oils. It’s important to dilute this oil if you show any skin sensitivity and don’t use on very young children.

This content reflects information from various individuals and organizations and may offer alternative or opposing points of view. It should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider about your specific health needs.


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