Uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids usually occur in women of reproductive age. What are fibroids? These are benign tumors that. Growths that are much less common in the vagina and on jajnicima.Njihov other name is fibroids.
Uterine fibroids SYMPTOMS
Symptoms of fibroids occur in 30% of affected patients, it is most commonly manifested as
-pressure and pain in the pelvis
-frequent urination
-prolonged menstrual period – more than 7 days
-menstrual bleeding were significantly more abundant
-pain in the legs and back
-pain during sexual intercourse
Not yet determined why there are uterine fibroids, but what we can safely confirm that their growth accelerates the hormone estrogen, and that the fibroid most often occurs in barren of age after 35 years and a menopauze.
Basically all tumors (including myomas) are created when a change control mechanisms that regulate the growth and development of cells. Expert opinion is that genetic mutations within the stem cell is the main reason the first step in the development of tumors.
All myomas were initially localized in the muscle of the uterine wall. Eventually grow towards the uterine cavity (submucosal fibroids) or the surface (subserosally myomas). In addition to these, there are cervical fibroids which are localized within the tissue of the cervix.
In the case of fibroids, recommended green and leafy vegetables, millet, oatmeal, buckwheat and integral pirinač.Takođe foods such as potatoes, beans, lentils, carrots, mango and papaya stimulate the production of progesterone, which properly balances-balances the ovaries and reduces estrogen in your body.
Uterine fibroids natural healing
In an alternative and folk medicine used by many teas for fibroids, so first things first
Tea mixture No. 1
Take two tablespoons of finely chopped flower marshmallow, sage, one spoonful of blackberry leaf, nettle, chamomile flowers, flower called, flower and leaf St. John’s wort, yarrow and willow bark, and together poured into 1.8 liters of boiling water.Cover and let stand 90 minutes.Strain and chill and sweeten to taste with honey,
this tea for fibroids is drunk by 2 dl before breakfast, lunch and dinner and a rest.
Healing Potion combine with roasted nakiselim apples and honey that you need to eat in the morning and predveče.Terapija held 10 days and is also a break of 10 days.
Tea mixture No. 2
Here’s another recipe for uterine fibroids
Mash the two tablespoons of nettle leaf, wounded, blackberry and one tablespoon of chopped flower and leaf milfoil, flower called, sage and wild mint flower.
Transfer all together in a 1.8 l
Repeat the procedure as in the first recipe.
100 grams of a mixture of whole plants leave to stand overnight in cold water vodi.Izjutra warm until you throw away the key and then add the liquid water bath kupanje.Ovu apply every day.