If you are expecting me to reveal the identity of some secret Japanese ingredient that has the potential to keep you looking young for the rest of your life, I think you are going to be disappointed. Just like everyone else in the world, the Japanese don’t have a secret magic bullet.
With so many Japanese women having such flawless skin, it certainly does make you wonder how they do it. Well, I am going to tell you three secrets about Japanese skin care, even though they aren’t entirely secrets, but they are things which most people in the Western world never seem to notice.
Before I get started, I must first point out that the Japanese value pale skin, and as a result, you won’t find many Japanese people attempting to get a sun tan. These are people who think nothing of forgetting their umbrellas at home when it’s raining, whereas many of them would never forget their umbrellas at home in the summer when the sun is shining.

Now, I really do like spending time outside in the sun, and I believe we need a certain amount of sun in order to remain healthy. However, it’s a well known fact that the sun can also cause premature aging. In general, Japan’s climate is skin-friendly, and even more so if you have an indoor job. Nonetheless, the Japanese also tend to take good care of their skin, but unlike many of us, they have adopted a multipronged approach rather than relying only on skin care products. Here are what I consider to be their top three skin care secrets:
Japanese Diet
More people live beyond the age of 100 in Japan than anywhere else in the world. It is also widely accepted that the typical Japanese diet is responsible for this. If your diet can strengthen organs like your heart; liver and kidneys, then surely it must have an impact on your skin as well. The Japanese eat a considerable amount of fish, and of course fish is an outstanding source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is perhaps best known for its heart health properties, but it is also excellent for your skin. Most Japanese people tend to eat fish two or more times per week, so they are getting plenty of omega-3. People in Japan also eat a lot of leafy green vegetable that contain at least some omega-3, such as Japanese Kale for example. If you don’t think you are eating enough fish, you should consider changing your diet, or you should consider using a good quality fish oil supplement.
If you have eaten Sushi, you will most likely have tasted seaweed already. If you had real authentic Sushi, then you would also have tasted Wakame seaweed. This particular kelp/seaweed is only found in the ocean waters around Japan, and it is also a good source of omega-3. Even though you probably won’t be able to get fresh Wakame seaweed where you live, you might be able to buy a dried form of it which you can then add to certain dishes. Wakame seaweed extract is also showing up more and more often in some good quality all-natural skin care products, and particularly in things like anti-wrinkle creams and etc.
Skin Care Products
Just like in most countries, skin care products are immensely popular, and a considerable number of them contain wakame extract. If you believe there is any credibility to the Japanese approach to beautiful looking skin, then why not look for creams and lotions that have wakame extract in them. It’s not crucial, but it is something you might want to consider.


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