Who needs Viagra ? Eat this and get rid of Erectile dysfunction

Eat the following food and get rid of Erectile dysfunction


Cold Water Fish

Cold-water fish include salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines, and these fish are high in zinc content, and zinc plays an important role in the production of testosterone.


Current research shows oysters improves dopamine levels which boosts libido in men and women. Oysters are also high in zinc which is vital for testosterone production and healthy sperm.


Bananas are also added to the list of the most powerful natural Viagra foods due to the energy content. Bananas are high in vitamin B, that keep your energy level high for a long time, which also contributes to the production of testosterone that increases sex drive.


For better sexual performance, include a variety of fruits in your diet. Fruits, such as strawberries are rich in vitamin C, known to keep your libido at a high level. Eating up to 1,000 mgs of vitamin C-rich fruits will considerably improve sperm count and its quality. Strawberries are often used as natural stimulant for men and women.

Dark Chocolate/Cacao

Dark chocolate is great sex food that not only heightens your mood and reduces stress, but also improves your sex life. Chocolate is rich in phenethylamine, chemicals that make you feel relaxed and increases sexual pleasure. Serotonin in chocolate also contributes to boosting your libido.


Spinach is also a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction. Like most of the green leafy vegetables, spinach contains vitamin E, which stimulates the release of sex hormones. It is also  a great libido-boosting food for women as it has manganese, which increases female fertility by stimulating the production of estrogen. Spinach is also rich in zinc, which contributes to better sperm quantity & quality.


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