Very often people have a debate about how much one should weight considering their height. Have you ever wondered what should be your ideal weight? For example, it is assumed that a person who is 160cm tall it’s good to have an ideal weight of 65kg. Nonetheless, this is not right and this chart will show you why.

The excess weight is not only a problem that concerns the way we look. It can have bad consequences for our overall health because it is the root of some severe health problems. Some of these include hypertension, hyperglycemia, atherosclerosis, and others. The weight chart displayed below displays how much you should weight according to your height having in consideration a lot of factors.

One of the factors is BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI is one of the most reasonable and accurate methods to assist you to determine your ideal weight. According to health specialists, the method is not always accurate because each individual has a different body type. Therefore, some people are naturally slimmer and others are heavily built.

In addition, what should also be taken into consideration is that targeting an ideal weight doesn’t mean that you will also be in good health. It is still necessary to have a well-balanced diet and workout regularly. Even though dieting helps one lose weight, it also results in loss of mass from the muscles which is not really good.

The chart:


This chart shows underweight, healthy, overweight, obese, and extremely obese types as an outcome from the correlation between weight and height. Take the table above into consideration for your ideal weight. However, don’t forget that living healthily is more important than good looking. If you find yourself on the right upper corner we suggest implementing our tips of how to instantly lose weight with simple and effective methods.



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