A double chin is extremely unattractive, and even though it is more common in full-bodied people, slim people can struggle with it as well.
Yet, the following 5 tips will help you get rid of it in a simple and easy way:
Read these tips and try them for yourself. Do them in your free time and the result will be amazing.
- The Excellent Face Form
Just push the jaw forward and then turn the head to strain the muscles. Then, switch sides.
- The Ladle
You should wrap the lower lip over the lower teeth, tilt the head, scoop up, relax the lips, and close the mouth. Do 7-10 repetitions.
- The Ducklips
Lift the head up, and pucker the lips to boost the elasticity of the neck muscles.
- Fighting
To get rid of the double chin, whenever you are watching TV, hold the fists under the chin.
- Touch the Nose
Touch the nose with the tongue and hold one finger under the chin. Repeat several times.