This article will introduce you to a very effective mix of sheets of houseleek and natural honey.
The mixture is most used and sometimes recommended against cyst in the body related to the particular cysts breast and female organs. This is not all, there are numerous benefits to your body, and among other things for the treatment against intestinal parasites, cancer of the uterus, heart, and inflammation in the body.
The use of this drug in houseleek is crucial.
300 g of leaves of whole houseleek
300g real natural honey (chestnut)
Čuvarkuća are picked, washed well and grind in a blender. The resulting slurry mixture houseleek mixed with honey in a glass jar and stirred well a few minutes to the combined ingredients. The mixture should stand for seven days, except that it is good to occasionally stir again. Tegel keep in the fridge. After 7 days standing start to consume. This composition taking each day three times per teaspoon. The first bucket is taken in the morning as soon as you wake up, the second during the day between meals and at bedtime third. Do preskakti if you just do not have to consume this natural remedy. The process of treatment lasts from a few weeks to a few months or cysts usually disappear after this period. In practice, this combination of honey and houseleek proven to be effective in all types of cysts in the body and especially on the female organs and breasts.
The mixture is good for cleansing and strengthening the entire body. Works great for speeding up the metabolism and improves digestion and improves the frequency of stools. Juice houseleek Anti-inflammatory and, if this mixture Kőris regular, positive effects on the inflammation of the oral cavity, throat, and stomach, and especially of the gastrointestinal tract.