1. Your Goals
Keeping your goals private can actually make you more likely to achieve them. Studies on goal-setting have shown that telling people your goals and gaining praise for setting them can make your brain produce the endorphins that it would have had you achieved the goal. This makes you feel as though you have already achieved something, so you don’t work as hard in the long run to meet your goal.
2. Your Personal Life
Your personal life is none of anyone else’s business, and telling others about things you get up to can open you to criticism and judgment. The choices you make in your life should be your own concern, as this will keep you from the unnecessary opinions of others, which can be harsh and demotivating.
Keep certain aspects of your life a mystery and don’t share with others every detail of your relationship and personal life. It will make you come across as much classier and worthy of a lot more respects than those who run their mouths about all of their bad habits.
3. Your Family Drama
All families have drama; it’s a cross that every family has to bear. Yet, it is not something that you should be telling the world. Obviously, if there is something very wrong, telling close friends and partners can help to lighten the load and keep you supported.
Telling the whole world, however, can be disrespectful to those involved, and open your family to judgment. It is always best to solve your issues privately and properly with your family and the ones you love.
4. Courageous and Good Deeds
Deliberately sharing your charitable deeds with others can very easily come across as arrogant and self-serving, and this should be avoided at all costs. It shouldn’t be a secret that you help those who are less fortunate, but it also shouldn’t be global news either.
The same goes for acts of bravery. We face challenges every day and your achievements in these challenges should be rewarded appropriately.
Looking for praise and appreciation makes you seem big-headed. Courageous acts are for others to deem courageous, otherwise, they are not all that courageous.
5. Material Belongings
Everyone likes to have nice things, and if we could we would have all of the nice things possible, but not everyone likes to hear about all of the things you have been treating yourself with. Jealousy is an ugly color on most people, but arrogance is even uglier.
Keeping your material gains to yourself allows you to make conversation about much more pleasant things that won’t spark up the green-eyed monster in others, and you’ll be deemed a much more modest and likable person by the people around you.