On December 6th President Trump’s words shook the world.
For the first time in over 2000 years, Jerusalem was recognized as the capital of Israel.
Whether he knows it or not, President Trump fulfilled his part in a frightening biblical prophecy exactly as the scriptures predicted.
Only the top church leaders and Bible scholars know the real meaning behind this great and terrible moment, yet no one is saying a thing about it…
Until now!

This ancient biblical prophecy will be revealed and then you will see the signs and the undeniable proof of the word of God coming true…
You will understand how five other major recent events foretold by the prophets Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah and John the Apostle have already happened and why this too was inevitable.
But, before reading any further I must warn you:
What you are about to see is deeply disturbing…
Because it will link current events to ancient Biblical prophecies, step by step.
And you will realize why we are standing at the precipice of the darkest event in the history of mankind…
Because it exposes the biggest scandal
Something darker and more sinister than Sandy Hook and Benghazi combined…
And it’s spreading like wild fire all over the internet.

But take comfort for it is God’s will that you are here now. You will understand the terrible tribulation that is about to happen, so that you may have time to prepare.
I understand you might be feeling skeptical right now.
There have been countless false prophets and doomsayers claiming they know the Biblical revelations and spewing falseness and deceit…
When the truth has always been there in the holy book for all to see.
You just have to know where to look!